Invasion NorthWhat a fortnight we have had in
Crumlin Road Presbyterian Church. Invasion north is an initiative under the leadership of Global Passion which seeks to send young people to various places all over the world to serve the global church. This was a joint initiative between the Americans from California, and Nevada, and the Irish churches of Crumlin Road Presbyterian and the Rock, assemblies of God church on the Shankill Road in North and west Belfast. On the face of it we are separated by theological, ecclesialogical and geogrphic differances but united in our desire to see Christ presented in an attractive and positive way so that the people of this area are equipped to make a decision about the relevance of Christ to them personally.
During the first week we cleaned up the streets and painted some parts of the church and got to know each other. We also had -B-Qs and a street party and a couple of trips to the ulster Folk and Transport Museum and to the Giants Causeway. On Saturday evening we walked up to the top of the Cavehill and prayed over the city.
During the second week we had a children's Bible club in the afternoons and then An American Dinner for the teenagers in the evening. I have to say that Pastor Drue, from Las Vegas and Robin from California led a very dedicated bunch of people whose aim was merely to serve the kingdom of God.I also have to praise the servant attitude of Johnny Caldwell and those at the Rock Centre.
On Thursday last the loyalist feud spilled out onto the streets and there was fair degree of anxiety on the part of some of our visitors who were living in the hall. Some made their way onto the roof of the church and others remained in doors but we took some time to walk the teenagers home and then settled down to pray and tpo praise the God we serve and asked him to quieten things down and to bring glory for his name.
on Friday I was asked to appear on TalkBack on BBC Radio Ulster and was able to give a very positive witness to the work of Christ which had been going on all week. Our feeling was that when you rattle the cgae of the devil he will respond but that Christ has already won the victory and we have nothing to fear. As far as I know everyone has arived home safely and was able to sleep in a real bed, cot, for the first time in 14 days.
we are grateful to God for His work among us- he has begun a work here - it's a work in progress but he will finish the work he began and we need prayer support
we need the energy to work creatively for him
and we need a committment to him and the resources to do the work.
Thank you Drue and your team
Thank you Johnny and your team
We look forward to the fure when we can co-operate together once more for the sake of the kingdom of God.