Street Level Christianity

In our church we have a stained glass window which puts our challenge and vision very well. In the fore front there is a big Jesus standing with his palms open. In the background there are the industries of old Belfast- the two giant cranes, Goliath and Samson, once used to build and repair major ships and then there are rep[resentations of the linen mills and the engineering works.
They remind us of the days when Belfast was famous for industries and made her name for the Irish Linen used in so many homes within and outrside of this island. The congregation came into being because of the expansion of linen which, in turn , came about because of the American Civil war which resulted in the rising price of cotton leadiong to the diversification into Linen- at one time there was a mill on every street corner but now all those industries have gone. At one time there were over 30,000 men working on ships but today there are less then 200 and the mills have gone and too too have the machine shops whih have been priced out of the market.
BUT Christ is still here- he is notsome far removed icon but the LIVING Christ who has remained with his people and has no intention of leaving until he returns in the flesh to declare that the time has come and the end is nigh.
Here we have the Christ of the street who has called all Christians to play their part in fulfilling His commion to go into all the world and make disciples for him. here we have the God who wants His people to be his followers wherever they find themselves. That means in the neighbourhood, in the leisure centre on the city council, wherever. We are to play our part in making Christ known and i teaching men and women what it means to be a Christian at street level.
In the early church the believers were of one heart and mind and no one considered his possessions to be his exclusive property, when there was a need they pooled their money to help their brothers and sisters. Being a Christian at street level means rejecting sectarianism and racism and all kinds of unacceptable behaviour like homo-phobia. It means leading an honest and ethical life-style, caring for what happens in Africa and Asia as well as in little old Northern Ireland. It means taking the lessons and exortations of the bible and applying them to every day use. While we reject the idea that anyone can win their salvation and that all men can be saved only through the grace of God in Jesus Christ we also believe that life-style is important.