Sunday, May 01, 2005

Northern Irish Blogs.INTRODUCTION

As the general election looms closer we have seen the rash of accusations about the Prime Minister and we have heard the in-fighting in the Unionist camp. We are living in a society were gangerism is all around- the housing is made more expensive because of the demand for protection money and businesses are held to ransom by some traveling families. We hear about the sexual abuse of children by professional people – even within the church.

The reason for the campaign against third world debt and the push for fair trade is that there is much in the world which is unfair and its not against the powerful and the wealthy but against the poor and disadvantaged.

The quotation I read this morning from Tim Keller-

“We live in a time when public esteem of the church is plummeting. For many inquirers, the deeds of the church will be far more important than the words in gaining plausibility. The leaders of most towns see “word-only” churches as costs to their community, not a value. Effective churches will be so involved in deeds of mercy and justice that outsiders will say, “we cannot do without churches like this.” Mercy deeds give the gospel words plausibility. Therefore, evangelistic worship services should highlight offerings for deed ministry and should celebrate what is being done.”

This can work for us but it can also work against us
The Prophet Amos has much to say today about practical Christian living and about social justice and the need for the church to speak the prophetic word because his society was just like ours-he could speak of

* sexual indulgence [2:7],
* transgressions
* sins [5:12]
* commercial sharp practice [8:5,6].

This was a time of luxury, they had never had it so good-some lived in ivory houses [Amos 3:15,6:4]. Jeroboam was an astute politician who had made much territory. Upper class women spent their time
listening to the music of their day, eating the best food and drinking the best of wines and taking beauty treatments.

The men too were indifferent to the needs of the poor within their gates and were happy to take bribes and generally do whatever they could get away with in business.

At the same time his society made a big thing of religion and religious practice. The church had become self absorbed in the status quo-its tradition was all important but had little interest in hearing from God [7:12,16]. It was a church with a severe attack of hypocrisy.

He saw this in society generally and his words were for those who were guilty-in a sense he speaks to anyone who finds that the "cap fits"

Yet God called him to address the church-the "people of God", in particular. It was because of the state of the nation that he swopped the shepherd’s crook for the pulpit. Over the years the emphasis of the church’s message has lurched from the , so- called social gospel to the, so-called spiritual Gospel when the complete gospel will always have spiritual, social and materialist and economic repercussions and demands.

It's in this context that the lion roars with judgment. Amos comes to us as a source of great encouragement, why? I say this because he was not a professional prophet like Elijah he had no formal training or teaching-he was no prophet or the son of a prophet. What was he then - HE WAS A SHEEP FARMER.

Farmers and factory workers have this one thing in common-they very often have a very low self esteem- yet we need to remind ourselves that God accepts us as we are- not because of our wealth or education or good looks, as we are. One consequence of this attitude is the 'I couldn't do syndrome'.

Sometimes this is just a tree to hide behind, sometimes it is true but the only way to find out for certain is to be willing to have a go. Take a step of faith.

I well remember the days when I was in the C.E. and was asked to do something up front. I couldn't do it and as a teenager no one would have thought I would be here no doing what I do. I am still a shy person but that's no excuse. Amos was called as a sheep farmer to do a work for God and when this job was completed he
went back to his day job.

Today we take an overall view of the work of this farmer/shepherd prophet. His word is a word to the church today-we are separated by thousands of years and by cultural differences-like another world altogether but the situation he faced is very like today and so as we look at Amos we look at a man and hear his words we are hearing the word of God for our situation today.

Lessons of Amos in brief

* Privilege brings peril and responsibility

* Past history cannot take the place of present spiritual and moral commitment

* Religious profession and practice are blood brothers.

1. Privilege brings peril & responsibility.

They thought that the privilege of being the chosen people only brought benefits. They were secure-the other nations would be destroyed but they were OK. God had shown at various times that he was on their side.

-Look at the picture of David and the might of Goliath. God did a mighty work in that mans life and in the life of the nation-the shepherd boy became a mighty king look at the way his kingdom had become so strong

-look at the way the promised land was given to them even though it was a land full of giants. God did a mighty work.

Now Amos shows them that they had got it wrong, this was only one side of the covenant-there's two sides to it. he gave them, and he gives us gifts to use, money to share and time to spend on others. His particular stress is that the nearer to God the closer the scrutiny and the more certain the judgment- that's why the NT says that teachers will be judged differently that others.

It is an easy thing for those in places of power to abuse their power- that was seen in many of the worlds empires-and it would be wrong of us to take the attitude that now I'm saved I can do what I want-now that I'm a member of the most exclusive club of all I'm alright. We've only just begun.

The church is not exempt from judgment- there's no guarantee that the PCI or this particular congregation will still be here in 200 years time-history is cluttered with churches that rose up are now no more.

Jesus spoke very sharply against hypocrisy and when we see it we are very critical also. Looking back or looking out we are able to see inconsistencies and hypocrisies but its another thing looking inward.

There are times when people could, with justification, say to us-Physician heal yourself!

As a church we need to maintain a continual walk with God-not to keep our religion but to be real and allow Him to keep us pure.

There are two realities in the world and in the church- sin is a very real reality even in our lives and now's the time to acknowledge it
the other reality is the power of Jesus Christ to change us but we need to realize that he does that all through our lives. Its an ongoing work not just a once off.

Religion was a potent force in Israel but it didn't touch peoples lives-Amaziah was a priest who was one of the best of worshippers-yet he had no interest in hearing God's word. The people liked their traditions and way of doing things but they "pooh-poohed" the preachers of judgment preferring to think "it could never happen to us". We make a grave mistake if we think that worship is simple
singing psalms and hymns-its offering our whole lives to the living God!

2. Past history is no substitute for present spiritual and moral commitment.

A stale testimony of what God has done for you years ago is an interesting history lesson but God wants a current relationship. He wants us to be walking with him and he wants us to be people of high moral commitment-we shy away from the idea of Christians being good living people-yet that IS our calling-not that we can
use this as a way of getting into heaven-we can only do that by GRACE-but that is the way we are to live once we are saved.

So often I have heard people talking about those who profess to be Christians but who have questionable business practice or whatever-there are two things to say about this-

A. To the Christian-you have a responsibility to live your live in a way that honours and doesn't defile the name of Christ. The best way to do this is to keep a vital spiritual relationship with Him and make a solid commitment that with His help you will live a high moral lifestyle

Don't place stumbling blocks in the way of people who may be thinking of coming to Jesus-remember how stern Jesus was to the disciples when they tried to keep the children away from him?

B. To the non Christian-you have no right to demand a standard of morality or spirituality of someone else if you are not willing to live it also. Don't look only at me look at Jesus.

Most of us don't have very dramatic stories to tell. Not had a problem with drink or been wife beaters or done anything we consider terrible or notable but God needs us to relate to people just like us. I don't. Don't feel that this disqualifies you from telling your story, God works with people in different ways and we all have a story to tell. Your life is like a bank you can live on the capital but only for a while. If you do this too long you will only get frustrated and lose your joy of salvation.

3. Profession and practice are blood brothers.

Profession without practice is repulsive to God and that’s why he rejected their sacrifices in Isaiah. When you stand before the congregation and profess faith be warned and be careful-its easy to say the words but to BE A CREDIBLE
PROFESSION is another thing. Don't make the profession unless it is true-that's what you do every time to sit at the Lords table or have a baby baptized. Be wary of making this p[profession if your words speak differently.

True religion is, in the thinking of Amos, to respond fully to the grace and law of God, living out the law in a life of obedience, resting on the grace both for ability and forgiveness; towards God, true religion is a reverent hearing and receiving of His word; and towards other people it appears as honesty, considerateness and unfailing concern for the needy."

To take these elements away is to invite the judgment of God.


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