A Prayer For The Community

Lord Jesus we are in great trouble and destress. Community life is at an all time low- our people are at odds with each other, the police have lost the support of the community and our elected politicians feel under great pressure to conform to what the people want. Everyone does what they feel is right in their own eyes. we have lost our vision and are in danger of perishing.
Will you forgive us for the sins of the past? We confess to you that we have not kept you at the centre of all that we do. In days past our community has not always treated those who do not share our political vision with the respect and courtesy they deserve and your word expects. There have been times when we have failed to speak out when wrong things have been done in our name and we have given cover to those who have done the wrong things. We have not looked to you alone as the one to save us.
Will you help us through the work of re-construction in society and revival in your church?
Empower us to be the people you want us to be and strengthen your people to serve the community and to live our lives in such a way as to bring glory and honour to your name. Help us to work for peace in our land and in our times.
My prayer is that Northern Ireland will no longer be a by-word for sectarian strife but a name which inspires hope in the hearts of all divided people. Help us to live with differance and make us eager and willing to accommodate one another. May our slogan be "Ireland For Christ and Christ alone".
This is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
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